9 April 2012

Positive and Negative Form

I opted to use Photoshop, Illustrator and my graphics tablet for this assignment rather than drawing by hand.  Although I have used both of these programs before, I got to practice some of the tools I already knew but in a different way.  This was the first time I have used my graphics tablet which was awesome!
How did I do it....?
  • Drew an outline of the image using the brush tool
  • On the same layer I then used the rectangular marquee tool to outline the thumbnail shape provided and then filled in the area with black
  • The tedious part came next in smoothing out / erasing lines I didn't want or had made in error while drawing the image
  • I then duplicated the layer of the image I wanted from the thumbnails and transformed it into a larger representation in the corresponding thumbnails on the bottom of the assignment sheet
  • Finally, I saved the whole document as a jpeg and uploaded it into Illustrator where I then 'live traced' the whole thing to vectorise the image, smoothing out the lines further

We were then asked to find examples of where whitespace has been used effectively.  Here are those examples...

 Print - Publishing 

This was an advertisement in SODA, a free Hobart based Culture & Arts magazine

 Street  Advertising 

This was one of a series of advertisements for the popular TV show Mad Men (one of my favourites).  I really like the way they incorporated the advertising into the side of the building.  For those who do not know, the opening credits of the show tells a similar story with characters falling from buildings.

 A Website  

Perhaps a well known choice, but I appreciate Apple's marketing concepts.

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